Tuesday, September 8, 2020

 Wow! It's been a while since I've been here. To be honest I haven't had anything to say. I don't want to promise something I can't keep, so I stayed away.

Yesterday was Labor Day in the United States and I decided to spend it laboring on something I love, or at least I used to love. I worked on a Rescue for Hire story. I refused to think beyond the one day if I would keep writing the story. Now, today is the next day and I'm still working on the Rescue for Hire story.

Slow but sure the words are coming. Thoughts of the characters are whispering in my ear. The world I created years ago is again opening up. I even had thoughts of Granite County. 

But, I make no promises. There are probably 40 thousand words between now and the end of the story. Then I would have to send it in to the publisher which is a whole different bundle of worms. 

So, I'm taking this one day at a time. Rain is falling outside, and Mr. B is in the basement going through his stuff while muttering about needing to hold a rummage sale. All is good.


  1. Hello, I love your Rescue for Hire series and Granite county. The last book talked of another spin-off in Texas. Was really looking forward to it. Been so long I had given up. Thought something happened to cause you to totally quit writing, so I am very happy to hear there may be a new book coming. Are you still thinking of doing the Texas spin-off at some time? Thanks for update and hope you and your family are doing ok!

    1. Hi Susan. The book I am working on is a wrap up of Rescue for Hire West. (Roman and Jimmy) It will feature all the gang. RFH-Texas has been started and sits with all the other works in progress that I have started. I am taking this one day at a time and that's all I can promise at this time.

  2. Awesome, thanks for the response.
