Friday, April 10, 2020

I hope you all are doing well. I know times are scary and hard. But we need to stay strong and stay home if you can. If we follow the rules now, we will again have the freedom to go about our business.
On the writing front, I am writing.
Have a happy Easter.


  1. Writing...what lovely news. Take care of yourself and your family. Happy Easter to you as well, thank you.

  2. Happy Easter!

    Hope you and yours are doing well.


  3. Hi Bellann,
    I'm down here in Cajun country and staying home until our governor lifts the stay home order. I miss reading your new books, but I been rereading all of your previous purchased books (I have them all). I hope you and your family are well and safe and God bless. Hope to see a new book soon.

  4. I am glad to hear you are writing again and you are taking care of yourself. Whenever you have a new book ready, I will be excited to read it. Take Care!
