Monday morning. These two words can cause blood pressure to rise, dread to flood ones body, and can make people curl their upper lip in distaste.
Usually, Monday is just another day to me. I tend to write seven days a week. At least I used to. Since Mr. B has decided to retire, my calm, quiet house and existence has been invaded by a type A personality.
Gone are the days of staying in my pajama's until noon (or longer) while I write a couple of more chapters. Gone are the days of writing into the night.
Adjusting to retirement is tough. Some couples can't adjust and their marriages go down the drain. I've had to make the decision to compromise my time to his schedule. Needless to say, I've only put out 2 books this year.
Do I want to write more? Yesss!
Do I wish he'd taken the accountant's advice and found a part-time job? Yesss!
But life doesn't always go the way you want it to.
It's funny. I started this post to describe the events of this Monday morning and how the day had gotten and will continue to get away from me. I have a few minutes to write and I chose to post on my blog. I do hope to continue to write and put out the stories that are rummaging around in my brain. I think there will be more adjusting in this household. I guess time will tell.
Do I wish you would write more, sure I love your stories. But I am never going to expect you to compromise your health or the health of your marriage to satisfy a fan of your work. If you're not happy in your personal life, it will show in your writing and I would never want that for any author.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sandra. All is good. We just have to find some kind of compromise.
DeleteTell him what my mom told my dad when he retired and was in her hair all the time during the day...find a hobby or else, you're being a pain in my butt. ;-)
DeleteKnowing Mr. B, he might take that as an invitation for research on one of my books. lol
Deletethen that just means you want have to...brightside?
DeleteMaybe he can do some volunteer work or find a new hobby that keeps him out of your hair, I mean "office" a few days a week. Have him start learning the joys/art of arm chair napping hehe. I swear, now that dad has been retired for a while, he is even more busy then before with church, yard stuff (we have someone who mowing the yard weekly), and who knows what else, it is nice to find him asleep in His recliner sometimes... 'coz I worry about him. As long as you keep working on you time, him time, & y'all time, you should eventually get something that works for you both... Gotta love compromise & coming up with what works best.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to you both!
It is a work in progress. I wish his timing were better. He keeps coming into the house right when I have an idea for a scene and just start to write it down. He comes in and the scene vanishes and I'm back to struggling.