Wednesday, May 9, 2018

I'm sitting here, drinking my morning coffee and watching the rain slide down the windows. The only way to get television reception here is through satellite. The rain has knocked that out so the room is free of the news this morning.
My current work in progress has stretched out to 6 weeks of writing or sometimes staring at the monitor trying to find the words. This story is a little more complicated and yet for a reader, not so much. Yeah, that was as clear as mud. Let's just say that if I do this right you will laugh out loud at the end at its ingenuity.
I have covers for my current work in progress, the new Rescue for Hire West series, a 4th of July story, and an Operation True One is in the works. These stories are all talking and yet the words aren't coming as freely as they could.
Part of me knows I need to get these done before the next crisis happens to set me back behind schedule. A crisis will happen. It always does. For now, its time to get writing.

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