Monday, November 27, 2017

My schedule of releasing a new story every three weeks didn't work out so well. I ended up getting writer's block. I started 3 stories and put them all down. There is nothing more frustrating than staring at the words you've just written and thinking, "I've got nothing."
I am trying to finish a Granite County story. I have the title and cover. Now the last half of the story needs to be written. This morning I wanted to work on a Operation True One story but refrained.
Maybe I need some good vibes sent my way.


  1. Don't push it! You are a wonderful writer and I enjoy your stories immensely but if the story isn't there, it isn't there...forcing it doesn't help. With everything you have been going through it is not surprising you are having difficulty. It'll come back to you. As a reader, I want the stories one after another, but I want a good story. I am sending you good thoughts and hope your block is a short one. I very rarely comment to any of the authors I read but I do follow along, both on blogs and Facebook. I check your blog every day and look forward to any and all news. Please take care and I hope your holidays are good ones.

    1. Thank you, Jenny, for the kind words. I ended up sending what I have of my story to a fellow author who advised me that my timelines for my characters don't match up. Sometimes something as simple as that will screw with karma. Hopefully after I fix the problem, things will unfold smoothly. Have a great day and thank you for your comment.
