Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Yesterday went well. I wrote all morning and my word count ended up being very high. Yay! The afternoon got away from me. We had some snow and I had to shovel the sidewalks and the concrete in front of the garage. I also put a chicken in the oven to bake for supper. I did a few other things and by then Mr. B came home. The evening was spent writing out Christmas cards and putting together a race track I bought to keep the little kids that are coming for Christmas day, busy. Mr. B and I had so much fun playing with those glow in the dark cars and track. I think we need more track and will keep my eye out for some.
I'm going to write a bit this morning, but I need to head into town to pick up my new glasses that have been re-ordered 3 times. They keep come back with scratches or flaws in the lenses. I'm about ready to give up. Then I have to travel to another town to complete some errands.
I should then be free until the end of the week when I need to pick up some groceries. Yesterday my mom asked me if I would take a break from writing after I finish Dominic's story. I think she wants me to concentrate and enjoy Christmas. There are problems with that idea. My writing keeps food on the table. I also have characters that want to be heard. Nope, my writing will continue. Its the only way the characters let me sleep at night.

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