Friday, March 11, 2016

The day before release day and all through the house, not a creature was stirring except a Golden Retriever puppy, a 13 year old dachshund, and Bellann Summer. As usual the nerves were starting. Would the readers like Flyer's story? Or would they find it boring.
So Bellann brought up the PowerPoint ap on her computer and began to play. Trying to not worry that finishing Carson's story seemed so far away. 
In the end the dogs got their walk. ManLove Fantasies got the stuff they asked for. And Bellann continued to write, happy her muse keeps telling her more.
What is the moral of this poorly written, sort of poem? Got me, I'm just happy to be home. So in the end I will keep to writing racy love stories every day. And you can enjoy them if you may.

Sorry, if your eyes are burning. Here is my newest advertisement I created.

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